Isolation – Mind Field (Ep 1)

Mind Field
Explore the surprising things we know (and don’t know) about why people are the way they are through expert interviews, rare footage from historical experiments, and brand-new, ground-breaking demonstrations of human nature at work.

Michael Stevens

Michael Stevens

Eli Holzman
Aaron Saidman

David Wechter
Phillip Barbb
Travis Dowell
Jen Friesen
Andy Wood
Jake Chudnow


Season 1

Season 2

Season 3
What happens when your brain is deprived of stimulation? What effect does being cut off from interaction with the outside world have on a person? What effect does it have on me, when I am locked in a windowless, soundproof isolation chamber for three days? In this episode of Mind Field, I take both an objective and a very intimate look at Isolation.
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