[Public Access] TCGS #36 | How Do Girls Work
Our callers quiz Chris on female related topics and it becomes very clear how little Chris knows about women. Thus, to help set the record straight a panel of bad-ass women fronted by Julie Klausner assemble in our packed studio to explain the details of being a woman to Chris and the audience. In between the not-so-subtle discussions about female anatomy, the night’s musical guest Night Birds and their rabid fans nearly tear apart our studio with their energy. A mosh pit, a prolapsed uterus, Julie Klausner, and a short appearance from Vacation Jason. This show has it all.
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Live Wednesdays @ 11PM EST
The Chris Gethard Show is the weirdest (and often times saddest) weekly comedy variety show that streams live on the internet, broadcasts live on Manhattan Public Access, and is available for download as a video podcast. Anything can happen. No cool kids.