[Public Access] The Spirit of Gethard 2: HINTMASTER HOLOGRAM HOLIDAY SPECIAL (2012 Holiday Special)
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[Public Access] The Spirit of Gethard 2: HINTMASTER HOLOGRAM HOLIDAY SPECIAL (2012 Holiday Special)

What is The Spirit of Gethard? It’s weird, that’s for sure. Rather than let TCGS go on a holiday hiatus, The World’s Greatest Dancer (Rob Malone) and Bananaman (Keith Haskel) insisted on making Chris Gethard leave the studio for a road-trip adventure filled with presents, pets, peeing, putrid fish, and the HINTMASTER HOLOGRAM! Happy holidays. Subscribe to TCGS on iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-chris-gethard-show/id446647559 Watch the full episodes on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBDD9FE6F3007B95C Watch the full episodes on Blip.tv: http://blip.tv/thechrisgethardshow http://www.TheChrisGethardShow.com Live Wednesdays @ 11PM EST The Chris Gethard Show is the weirdest (and often times saddest) weekly comedy variety show that streams live on the internet, broadcasts live on Manhattan Public Access, and is available for download as a video podcast. Anything can happen. No cool kids. Edited for youtube by TCGS